I hadn't seen the sun since the day we went
sledding the week before. A couple of days of gloom and glum, this I can deal with. But to a sun-worshiper, such as myself, a whole week of no sun is agonizing. So Isaiah and I, along with a couple of friends, decided enough was enough and it was high time to seek out the sun. Ralf had assured us there would be sun in the mountains, thus our pilgrimage took us back to
Wildhaus. We purchased our ski lift tickets and proceeded to take the lift to the first blue slope on the map, since I'm still afraid to go on the red slopes. (Although this was our fourth snowboarding excursion of the season, you must realize 1. I suck; 2. our second "trip" after
Christmas was to a small ski resort in Malbun, Liechtenstein, where
they made me go on a red slope and I was pretty miserable; and 3. on our third "trip" we were literally in some Austrian's backyard on a single slope the length of a football field, though I did make some progress making toeside turns.)
Once we skidded off the lift, we all gave Ralf a dirty look because there was in fact no sun and almost zero visibility.
"I thought you said there would be sun!"
"Well, maybe if we go higher we'll have better luck."
"Ok. After this run, you two go higher and report back to us."
Isaiah and I took the blue run one last time and then got a call from Ralf, "We found the sun! It's at the very top of the mountain."
Two chair lifts and two
T-bar lifts later we, too, found the sun. Despite falling of the last T-bar lift (so close! I had been doing so well up until the fall), we reached high enough on the mountain to take in the sunny view of Mount Säntis and the cotton-candy fog covering the valleys.
I said to Isaiah, "So this is where Switzerland has been keeping the sun."

I didn't know they were called T-Bar lifts! Thanks for the link! Looks like you hada great time. I miss the sun often too and worry about vitamin levels because of it!