Highlights from a Weekend in Stuttgart, Germany

Affectionately known as the city of Treppen, or stairways, Stuttgart quite literally kicked my butt this past weekend. Today is the first day my calves and quads aren't sore -- I'm a wimp, I know. Nonetheless, we managed to have quite a relaxing weekend just wandering around, visiting bookstores, and people watching at the Spring Festival. (Note to self: never again eat fair food no matter how enticing -- we all had upset stomachs before bed that night.) Although we didn't see all there is to see in Germany's sixth largest city, thank you Wikipedia, we made sure to hit up a few spots frequented by tourists and locals alike.

Markthalle Stuttgart: Indoor marketplace boasting spices galore, dried fruits, and delicacies from around the world.

Sunday Brunch at Zadu Bar: For only 9.90 Euros per person you get all-you-can-eat eggs, bacon (American-style!), sausage, cereal, pasta, salad, rolls, fruit, desserts and more!

Höhenpark: This lovely park is a short walk from the Weissenhof Estate I mentioned in yesterday's post. A humble donation of 50 cents allows you to climb the tower for a decent view of the city.

Karlshöhe: Here you'll find an outdoor café called "Tschechen & Söhne" that serves a variety of drinks and eats. I recommend the Maultaschen mit Kartoffelsalat, which is a traditional meal of the Schwaben region, consisting of medium-sized noodle pockets and a simple yet delicious potato salad.

Honorable mentions:
1. Mos Eisely Bar -- it was dead on Friday night, but was one of the few places that had a separate room for smokers.
2. If you can deal with smoke, Club Zwölfzehn had a cool rockabilly scene going on.


  1. Ooo fantastic pictures. Stuttgart is beautiful, no?

  2. Very cool highlights, especially the market for me ! But hey... not sure if you guys know, the Mercedes Museum is in Stuttgart, very cool -- you should check it out next time ! Ok ok, just kidding. I know you were both hoping to see it, next trip then. I have to agree - just going with the flow and letting someone else plan the itinerary is a fun and welcome change too!


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