Ice Cream "Pause" in Schaffhausen

As I approach my final days with the little Swiss children, Al and Little L, with whom I have spent most of my time during the last nine months, I recall some of my fondest memories with them. Among them, my adventures with language learning and ice cream consumption bring the biggest smile to my face.

Despite the many words and phrases they've learned from me ("let's go," "getch you," "stand up," mess, cheese, outside, etc.), ice cream will always be "glacé." Where did I take them to get the best glacé in Schaffhausen? El Bertin Gelateria

Over the months, I have only posted a limited number of photos of the kids for privacy reasons, but I did ask their mother if I could share the following snapshots I took after our visit to El Bertin. They are just too cute not to share! Both boys asked for the "Schoggi" flavor, which they ended up sharing with me - desperate to stop the melting ice cream from dripping onto their hands, arms, and clothing.

I tried the Black Chocolate with Chili, which was more like delicious black chocolate with a tingling sensation. I've also tried zimt (cinnamon), yogurt, and coconut - all yummy!

For your Rolodex:El Bertin Glacé * Unterstadt 13 * 8200 Schaffhausen, Switzerland * 41-52-625 60 03


  1. We had dinner in Schaffhausen at the Thai restaurant Lemongrass on Saturday evening. Just about every person walking past was eating ice cream and I was wondering what's going on! Now I see the ice cream shop you're talking about is just down the road from the restaurant we were at so they must have all been coming from there! Next time maybe we'll go just for ice cream - no space after dinner!!

  2. These boys are too cute!

    Hmm..chocolate with chili ice cream. Ultimo heaven!

  3. what an adorable messy twosome ! ha ha! so fun, thanks for sharing for sure. sounds like you have had a very memorable past year with them. fabulous !!

    and you certainly are the adventurous ice cream taster, this place sounds like a real find !!

  4. Anneliese - Oh, yes, you should definitely go back to SH for ice cream and the Munot!

    Jen - I really do adore those two! I will certainly miss them, but not the cleaning up after them part. I need a break before I have to do that stuff with my own kids - in the very distant future...

    Kerrin - I do tend to go for the flavors that I can't get at a supermarket. Though a Migros brand just came out with a strawberry/lemon/basil flavor, which was actually really yummy (albeit CRAZY expensive)!


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