A Weekend in Munich

One of the last times we saw them was the weekend we spent exploring their new city, Munich.

Now they're coming to our turf! We will show them the Southern California we love.

Here's a glimpse of our last weekend of fun-seeking with Franzi and Ralf before our big move back to the States.

Beer Garden
Farmer's Tan Brothers
Surfing the Isar River
A Stroll Through Alter Südfriedhof (an old cemetery that's now a park)
More Beer Gardens
Nymphenburg Palace
Brunch at Café Neuhausen
See you in a few months, friends!


  1. oh my gosh...sun and beer gardens sound heavenly i must say!

  2. Hi Krystal! It was a heavenly weekend indeed, especially since the heavens opened up several times throughout our visit. Sunny one second, pouring the next, and then sunny again. I guess that's to be expected in Munich in late May... and June, and July for that matter...

  3. Now that's some real beer. Lovely pics and fun times.

  4. Thanks, Ellie! Yup, beer you have to hold with two hands = genuine beer!


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