First Birthday Party: The Timeline

First, enjoy the food and some mingling... aka little cow hamming it up for his guests!

Next, the piñata takes center stage.

Then, it's time for cake...

and finally, presents!

This is the last of the three posts I had planned to showcase Hunter's birthday party. Maybe it's a bit much for a baby party, but it was such a fun day that I had to share! 

In case you missed the other posts...

The DIY Projects: In this post I explain all the crafty things I did to keep the party budget-friendly.
The Menu: I spent a lot of time thinking about food because I love themed parties and wanted the menu to reflect our farm theme. I thought this list might be useful for anyone else planning a party with a similar theme.

Resource Recap:
Theme Ideas --
Food Tent Cards -- Three Little Monkeys Studio
Personalized Favor Stickers -- Pear Tree Greetings
Old MacDonald Stickers -- Waddlin' Onion Designs
DIY Piñata Tutorial -- Oh Happy Day!
DIY Party Hat Tutorial -- Princess Lasertron
Fair Trade and Organic Candy -- Natural Candy Store
Smash Cake Recipe -- Rubies and Radishes
Party Invitations -- tinyprints


  1. aw, look at the little smiling cow ;-)

    He is so incredibly adorable, Amanda! happy Birthday, Hunter!

  2. so glad you shared it all!!! what a joyous celebration, its a big deal so share away :)


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Maira G.